Power Automate - PowerApps for Admin

PowerApps for Admin will help as Power Apps Management Connector for Administrators. We will have multiple options with the action in the Power Automate as URL below.


I have used Power Automate for Admin and Used Get App Role as admin to get all the users to get the details we need to pass the App ID from the Power Apps and return the details from the action.

We need to pass following parameters to the action. 

Environment Name Name field of the Environment.

Power App Name Name field of the Power App.

We will get following results from the action.

value- Array of the Permisions

Name PowerApp Role Assignment name 

id - PowerApp Role Assignment ID

type - PowerApp Role Assignment typ

roleName - PowerApp Role Assignment roleName.

id -PowerApp Role Assignment principal object ID.

displayName - PowerApp Role Assignment principal displayName.

email - PowerApp Role Assignment principal email.

type - PowerApp Role Assignment principal type.

scope -PowerApp Role Assignment scope.

Similarly we have other actions from Power Automate for Admin as shown the URL above. 


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