Error message: Unknown error. Server response: Exception in Scrub sensitive database.

While working on SharePoint integration with PowerApps, I got this error message for one of the user.

After investigating the error following are few reasons for the errors,

  • User might not have the read access to the data (i.e when we try to load the collections from SharePoint List to a collection on App Load or Screen Visible function).
  • User may lost access or user not having access to the site/list/item that they are trying to update.
  • There might be document locked on other users (while updating the document properties.).
  • There might be issues with the data connections. We need to make sure user have the access to all the connection specially Load data or patch data connection.

I have added a custom message using Notify function. I have got the issue as user access got removed for the list. After updating user permission issue got resolved.


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