
Showing posts from December, 2022

Canvas Apps - Enhanced delegation for Microsoft Data verse

Microsoft allows to connect with Data verse to ease use of Finance and Operations  by allowing the accessibility easily. One of the option in Canvas apps is "Enhanced delegation for Microsoft Data verse". Enhanced delegation for Microsoft Data verse is an option to allow users to us following functions without Delegation errors. in AsType CountIf CountRows Without selecting the " Enhanced delegation for Microsoft Data verse " option, PowerApps  will throw Delegation errors for Data verse while using the above functions.  We can enable to option by selecting the settings and enabling the " Enhanced delegation for Microsoft Data verse " as below.

PowerApps - Encoding URL and Converting HTML text

PowerApps allowing users to  Encode the URL and converting the HTML Text. Using Encode function,we can Encode the URL string. EncodeUrl function will convert the special characters with % value and a hexa decimal number. For Example, if i pass a string - " " as input to the EncodeUrl, it returns the value as " " EncodeUrl function accepts string as parameter and it is required . It returns the Encoded Url as result. PlainText() function in PowerApps converts the HTML/XML tags  in to proper text. For example if we pass the Value to Plain Text as  <P> Hello This is Sample text from &nbsp;&quot;Tech Battle Field &quot; &nbsp; blog. </P> It returns the result as  Hello, This is Sample text from "Tech Battle Field" blog generally we use PlainText() function when we get the data from RSS feeds and shown them in the PowerApp. RSS feeds w

ColorValue in PowerApps

 In PowerApps to update the CSS color using following functions Color ColorValue RGBA Using Color we have the enumerated values as shown below. Color.Red  Color.Yellow Using Color Value we can pass the 6 - digit or 8- digit hex values or Color name as shown below. ColorValue( "#faebd7" ) ColorValue( "#54 faebd7 " ) ColorValur("Red") Using RGBA, We can pass the Red, Green, Brown, Alpha as shown below. RGBA(255,2555,255,0) 

Get lookup values in Model driven app using Xrm.WebApi

 One of my project, i had a requirement to get the Lookup value by passing the lookup value from the form when page load. For that i have added a JavaScript function on page load methos by adding the javascript file in the web resources of the app. In the JavaScript method, i have added following code the get the Lookup value using the existing lookup value id  function GetValuesFromLookup(executionContext) {     var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();     var transferId =;     if (formContext.getAttribute("student").getValue() !== null) {         var itemid = formContext.getAttribute("student").getValue();         var id = itemid[0].id;         Xrm.WebApi.retrieveRecord("student", id, "?$select=_classid_value").then(             function success(result) {                 var uomidlookup = result._classid_value;                 if (uomidlookup !== null) {                     formContext.getAttribute(&q

Column Names in PowerPortal Entity List

While working with one of the Project in Power Portal i got a requirement to change the one of the column Heading other than we get from Dataverse We can update the Column names using the steps below, Open Power Portals Open the site and go to Lists in the Related section Click on Advanced Settings as below. In the Advances settings click on  Override Column Attributes and update  column that we need to rename It will allow us to enter the width and Percentage for the width. After Saving the settings, we see the updated Titles and width percentages in the Power Portals.

RequestHide() function in PowerApps

RequestHide() function in PowerApps will allow users to hide the SharePoint form. This function will allow only on SharePoint forms integration with PowerApps. RequestHide() function will hide the form. We need to call RequestHide() function on Success() function of the form. By default on Cancel() function will be automatically hide the form.

Spell Checks are not working in PowerApps

While working with one of the client, client wanted to allow spell checks in the multiline text boxes. We have option in PowerApps to enable Spell checks by updating  EnableSpellCheck   option as below. After enabling the Spell check Property, Spell check is not working as expected. After investigating further, i found following update from PowerApp community an found Spell Check is not enabled in Chrome. I see Spell check Disabled in my chrome. I have updated the Spell check as below. After enabling the spell check in chrome, Spell check worked as expected.

ETAG mismatch (Conflicts exist with changes on the server, please reload)

While working with one of the screen Save button, i see error while patching the SharePoint list data. After investigating the issue, I found it is due to old data that is pulled to the screen. As per Mozilla Documentation in the link , ETag is http response header to a version of a resource. It will help to save the time to avoid unnecessary transactions. If there is no changes in the content, it will not send response to the web server. So as there is no change in the List,  Etag will not send response to the web server and it returns the error. So when we save the list it throws error. To avoid the issue, we need to refresh the Data Source in the after Patching the list. In my Case, i have updated the Refresh as below. Path(<< DataSource >>,<< Item to be Updated >>,{<< Column >>:"Yes"}); Refresh( << DataSource >> ); After adding Refresh() function it worked as expected. Hope this helps.

PowerApps Gallery - Showing one item on each page

One of my project i have used Gillery and inside the gallery i have used two levels. Based on the first Gallery items, the inner Galleries data will be loaded. On the Top/Fist gallery i am showing only one item per page and added Next button on the bottom to show the next Item. By default Power Apps Gallery will load all the items at once. In my case i want to load one item and based on the item values the other two Galleries will be populated. For the First Gallery i have used following formulae, In the Items property i have added below formulae,   Table( Last( FirstN(<<Data Source>>, Coalesce(<<Variable>>, 1))) In Next button "On Select" property i have added following formulae,   UpdateContext({<<Variable>>: Coalesce(<<Variable>>, 1) +1}) Here we are getting First Non-Blank value (using Coalesce  function .) and mapping it to a variable. For each case we are getting the next value and binding it to the variable. In the Items