PowerApps Gallery - Showing one item on each page

One of my project i have used Gillery and inside the gallery i have used two levels. Based on the first Gallery items, the inner Galleries data will be loaded. On the Top/Fist gallery i am showing only one item per page and added Next button on the bottom to show the next Item.

By default Power Apps Gallery will load all the items at once. In my case i want to load one item and based on the item values the other two Galleries will be populated.

For the First Gallery i have used following formulae,

In the Items property i have added below formulae,

 Table(Last(FirstN(<<Data Source>>, Coalesce(<<Variable>>, 1)))

In Next button "On Select" property i have added following formulae,

 UpdateContext({<<Variable>>: Coalesce(<<Variable>>, 1) +1})

Here we are getting First Non-Blank value (using Coalesce function.) and mapping it to a variable. For each case we are getting the next value and binding it to the variable. In the Items property we are setting the current no-Empty function displaying in the Gallery.

On each case, we are passing the values to the Second and Third Galleries to display the required data,


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