ETAG mismatch (Conflicts exist with changes on the server, please reload)

While working with one of the screen Save button, i see error while patching the SharePoint list data. After investigating the issue, I found it is due to old data that is pulled to the screen. As per Mozilla Documentation in the link, ETag is http response header to a version of a resource. It will help to save the time to avoid unnecessary transactions. If there is no changes in the content, it will not send response to the web server.

So as there is no change in the List,  Etag will not send response to the web server and it returns the error. So when we save the list it throws error.

To avoid the issue, we need to refresh the Data Source in the after Patching the list. In my Case, i have updated the Refresh as below.

Path(<<DataSource>>,<<Item to be Updated>>,{<<Column>>:"Yes"});


After adding Refresh() function it worked as expected. Hope this helps.


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