PowerApps - Encoding URL and Converting HTML text

PowerApps allowing users to  Encode the URL and converting the HTML Text. Using Encode function,we can Encode the URL string. EncodeUrl function will convert the special characters with % value and a hexa decimal number.

For Example, if i pass a string - "https://make.powerautomate.com/environments/" as input to the EncodeUrl, it returns the value as "https%3A%2F%2Fmake.powerautomate.com%2Fenvironments%2F"

EncodeUrl function accepts string as parameter and it is required . It returns the Encoded Url as result.

PlainText() function in PowerApps converts the HTML/XML tags  in to proper text. For example if we pass the Value to Plain Text as 

Hello This is Sample text from &nbsp;&quot;Tech Battle Field&quot;&nbsp; blog.

It returns the result as 

Hello, This is Sample text from "Tech Battle Field" blog

generally we use PlainText() function when we get the data from RSS feeds and shown them in the PowerApp. RSS feeds will retuen XML/HTML format. Plaintext() function will return the data to the proper format.
