Update file name is a SharePoint document library folder

One of my projects, i got a requirement to change the file names in SharePoint document library folder. We can update the document name using the steps below.

Get SharePoint files in a folder using the Fet SharePoint files action below,

On each file update the file name using Send HTTP action with following details.

Site Address: <<Site Address>>
Method: Post

Uri: _api/lists/GetByTitle('<<Document Library Name>>')/Items(<<ITEM ID>>)


Content-type: application/json
{'type':'<<SharePoint Document type>>'},
'FileLeafRef':'<<File Name to be Updated>>'}

We can get the type of the document in the body, (for me it is SP.Data.Shared_x0020_DocumentsItem) by accessing the api URL and check for the "term" in the url as below.


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