Last friday, I was trying to take a back-up of a contentDB from one farm to restored it to another without removing the contentDB on the second farm.
Farm1 had the latest content and I wanted to move the Content DB from there to Farm2.
Farm1 : ContentDB : farm1_spider_ContentDB
Farm2 : ContentDB : farm2_spider_ContentDB
Instead of removing the content database at the web app and restoring with the farm1 content database. I directly restored the farm1_spider_ContentDB over farm2_spider_ContentDB
Note : Please read the full post before trying any commands specified.
I faced the following issues:
Issue 1:
Failure trying to synch web application ab9788f9-d490-4785-8d4a-3666e1af13d3, ContentDB 0f17f1de-d2cb-8890-9ead-c21fb54ac8d4 Exception message was A duplicate site ID 8768xdsd98-0c57-421b-be76-fa71f0f20375(http://) was found. This might be caused by restoring a content database from one server farm into a different server farm without first removing the original database and then running stsadm -o preparetomove. If this is the cause, the stsadm -o preparetomove command can be used with the -OldContentDB command line option to resolve this issue.
Issue 2:
MySite was crashing.
I tried the follwoing:
Try 1:
stsadm -o preparetomove -contentdb -site -oldcontentdb
Didn't help
Try 2:
Created a new SSP but the SSP admin application wasn't opening. I was getting a "Critical error Encountered. Contact your administrator" message.
Try 3:
X = days within you did this contentDB restoration
stsadm -o sync -listolddatabases
stsadm -o sync -deleteolddatabases
In my case, X =0
This definitely solved my duplicate issue (issue 1) but still didn't solve my Issue 2
Try 4 was the solution to get everything working:
1. Deleted the application without removing the contentDB
2. created a new web application with same name (contentDb : tempContentDB)
3. Removed the content DB (tempContentDB) of the new application
4. Added the content DB farm2_spider_ContentDB to the new app (
5. created a new SSP
6. SSP admin site was opening without any error
7. Added the appropriate import connections on user profiles. Did a crawl to get all the users
8. My web app got associated to the new ssp. If not associate it manually.
9. ran this command
stsadm -o sync -listolddatabases
stsadm -o sync -deleteolddatabases
stsadm -o sync -listolddatabases (verification)
10. Things started working like a charm (Mysite started working). you can delete the old SSP if you want.
I nearly spent the whole weekend. Hope this saves some time.
Good Luck!
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