
Showing posts from February, 2023

Power Automate : Adding an O365 Group as Contributor for a Document Library

 Its very straights forward to do this if you have experience working with the 'Send an HTTP request to SharePoint' action before. Here are the things you need to follow : 1. Break the Inheritance for the library so it has unique permissions. 2. Get the Office Group principal ID for the Team ID or Office Group ID 3. Parse JSON - Parse for principal ID 4. Post a roleassignements for the doc library with the principal ID. 1. Breaking Inheritance : Make a http post request to SPOL with this URL assuming Documents is the Doc library where you like to add Contributor permissions. _api/lists/getByTitle(' Documents ')/breakroleinheritance(copyRoleAssignments=true, clearSubscopes=true) 2. Get the principal id of the Team/OfficeGroup ID by making a Get request where the variable TeamID is your Team/Group ID and parse the body to extract the Princiapl ID _api/web/siteusers('c:0o.c|federateddirectoryclaimprovider| @{variables('TeamID')} ') 3. Now do a post request ...

Power Automate : Mention a user in an Adaptive Card (Teams Notification)

 Mentioning a user on Teams using Power Automate seems to be a simple process when you get a token and use the token on a 'Post message in a chat or channel' activity. It looks as simple as this. For prettier notifications, we would like to leverage adaptive card capabilities and when you use an Adaptive card, the mention token is technically useless and just cant use it. But there is a round about way to mention a user. You need to know the below three things : 1. User Principal Name of the user 2. Display Name of the User 3. User ID for the User who you are mentioning  With all the above details, we could mention a specific user in Adaptive card in this following way : # You should have a TextBlock where the mentioned user data to be specified as below  {       "type": "TextBlock",       "text": "Hi <at> place the UPN of the user here </at>"     }   #  The msteams entities are mentioned at the end of the adap...

Megam Talks : Episode 3 Microsoft Forms (Tamil)

 As the series continues, we talked about about Forms (Tamil) today.   #megamtalks

Power Automate : Invite External User

Managing collaboration and communication with external users is a challenge and InviteUser functionality in Azure help IT Managers simplify this. Lets see how we could invite an External user using Power Automate. Technically, I would recommend an approval process followed by an invite request. For this blog post, lets focus how we could invite an external user. Initialize the TenantID, Client ID, SecretID in a variables. If you followed all the posts so far, you would know how to fetch the ClientID and SecretID (Azure AD app registration process).  Use a http post api request to get the Token Now Parse the Body to extract the access token and make another http post request with the customizedmessage. Something like the below : Yellow : the external user details Pink : if you like to CC the invitation so you keep track of all invitations Blue : Customized message you like to send it to the external user Orange : Where the external users are redirected to once they accept the invita...

Megam Talks : Episode 2 Planner (Tamil)

 As the series continues, we talked about about planner (Tamil) today.  #megamtalks

Power Apps Issue with Dropdown filter - The requested Operation is Invalid. Server Response XXX - Invalid filter clause

 While working with Power Apps, i got an error assigning the text box i got an error saying,   Power Apps Issue with Dropdown filter - The requested Operation is Invalid. Server Response XXX - Invalid filter clause. Only single 'eq', 'ne', 'contains', 'starts with' or 'ends with' is currently supported. I see the issue it is applying the filter on multiple dropdowns. I have fixed the issues by using the steps below. For the dropdown, i have added the Items property for Dropdown1 by adding the formulae below, Sort(Distinct(<< LIST NAME >>,<< LIST COLUMN >>),Result) for the Items for dropdown2 , I have added following formulae, Filter(<< List Name >>,<< List Column 2 >> = Dropdown1.Selected.Result ) After getting the items form dropdown2, I have added following formulae for the Textbox Text property. LookUp(<< LIST NAME >>, << LIST COLUMN 2 >> = Dropdown2.Selected.Result , <...

Power Platform - Enable SharePoint document management

SharePoint document management in Powe platform allow to store, mange the documents related to customer engagement apps like Dynamics 365 by enabling the document management. To enable this user should have System Admin role. We can enable the document management using the steps below, Open the Power Platform admin, navigate the environments Select the environment and click on Settings in the ribbon It will navigate to settings page.                      Select Integration and click on Document Management Settings Select the entities to manage the SharePoint documents and Click on Next In Consider these server-based integration settings - Check Based on entity to have document libraries and folders that are based on the Account entity automatically created on the SharePoint site. Users will not be prompted to create them. Click on Finish to complete the configuration.

Megam Talks : Episode 1 Evolution of Microsoft Apps (Tamil)

Here is a try to bring technology closer to tamil people. This series will emphasize on technology on tamil and to nurture all all new learners on microsoft technologies and share the lifetime experiences of different industry leaders. Here is the first episode that got aired on Feb 8th 2022.

PowerApps - Create Charts based on the SharePoint List data column Values

While working with SharePoint list, I have a requirement to display bars based on one of the column data. Here are the sample data how it is in the list Name Amount Cement 50000 Iron 10000 Wood 40000 Wood 70000 Labor 8000 Wood 7000 Iron 5000 Labor 9000 I have added following Formulae to get the data.  AddColumns(GroupBy(ProductList,"Name","Grouped"),"Sum",Sum(Grouped,Amount)) After grouping the data we are able to see the data as chart as above.

PowerApps Admin - Governance on Environments

A  Power Platform environment  is a location to manage apps, flows and other components in Power Platform. It will have separate apps with different security and roles. In the environment we can have individual space for apps and flows the different branches for the organization.  As a PowerApps admin we can have the ability to allow users to create Environment.  By default following users will have the ability to create the Environments using the Admin screens.  Global admins Dynamics 365 admins Power Platform admins Allowing other users who is not having proper information about environments will create troubles by creating multiple environments. As a admin we can use following settings to allow users to create the environment. Open admin center - Click on Gear Icon and Click on "Power Platform Admin Settings" as below.                Select only "Specific people"...

PowerApps - Back to Basics - Update Lookup Column based on child list

While working on one of the PowerApps form, i have a requirement to update the lookup column based on the other list. I have two lists and both the lists having the lookup columns. When updating the record we will get the child look-up value and based on the child look-up value we need to update the parent list using the form. After navigating to the PowerApps and clicking on the one of the child list record, we need to pull out the records based on the Parent list and update the data in the parent list. I have used following formulae to update the records. With(      {              childListData: LookUp( <<Child List>> , <<Look-up Column Name>> = " <<Look-up Value>> ")      },      {                Id:  childListData .ID,               Value:  childListData .linkedCol...

PowerApp tip - Sum with Filter in Power Apps

While working with Power Apps i got a requirement to update the Sum of a column for the specific month and Save it in to a column. I have tried ForAll i see it was failed. After Using With and Filter as shown below i am able to achieve the functionality using the formulae as below. With(    {       SumValue :       Filter(          ' AccountsData ',          Month( DateFieldValue1 ) = Month(Now())       )    },    Sum(       SumValue ,       AmountValue    ) ) Here SumValue will get the value from List AccountData (Data). From Accounts list Amount Value will be summed-up.  Here we are applying the Filter based on the current month with the of the PowerApps form DateFieldValue. Getting the AccountsData and applying the filter with the DateFieldValue mentioned in the PowerApps forms.  After Summing the value, i ...