Power Apps Issue with Dropdown filter - The requested Operation is Invalid. Server Response XXX - Invalid filter clause

 While working with Power Apps, i got an error assigning the text box i got an error saying,  

Power Apps Issue with Dropdown filter - The requested Operation is Invalid. Server Response XXX - Invalid filter clause. Only single 'eq', 'ne', 'contains', 'starts with' or 'ends with' is currently supported.

I see the issue it is applying the filter on multiple dropdowns. I have fixed the issues by using the steps below.

For the dropdown, i have added the Items property for Dropdown1 by adding the formulae below,

Sort(Distinct(<<LIST NAME>>,<<LIST COLUMN>>),Result)

for the Items for dropdown2 , I have added following formulae,

Filter(<<List Name>>,<<List Column 2>> = Dropdown1.Selected.Result)

After getting the items form dropdown2, I have added following formulae for the Textbox Text property.

LookUp(<<LIST NAME>>, <<LIST COLUMN 2>> = Dropdown2.Selected.Result, <<Value to Assign>>)


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