PowerApps - Back to Basics - Update Lookup Column based on child list

While working on one of the PowerApps form, i have a requirement to update the lookup column based on the other list. I have two lists and both the lists having the lookup columns.

When updating the record we will get the child look-up value and based on the child look-up value we need to update the parent list using the form.

After navigating to the PowerApps and clicking on the one of the child list record, we need to pull out the records based on the Parent list and update the data in the parent list. I have used following formulae to update the records.



           childListData: LookUp(<<Child List>>, <<Look-up Column Name>> = "<<Look-up Value>>")



            Id: childListData.ID,

            Value: childListData.linkedColumnName 



Here we are getting the data from child list and updating the parent list using the child list data.


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