PowerApps Back to Basics - Update VS UpdateIf

Update and UpdateIf functions helpful to update the records using PowerApps.

Following are the syntax for Update and UpdateIf functions.

Update( DataSource, OldRecord, NewRecord [, All ] )

DataSource is - Source of the data to update the records

OldRecods - old records to be updated

NewRecord - New record to be updated

All - All is optional, if we mention this all the records matching this will be replaced.

UpdateIf( DataSource, Condition1, ChangeRecord1 [, Condition2, ChangeRecord2, ... ] )  

DataSource is - Source of the data to update the records

Condition1 - Conditions to get the records

Change Records - Records to be changed, i.e after satisfying the condition this records will be updated.

Following the two cases for Update and UpdateIf with Data

Update(EmployeeData, First(Filter(EmployeeData, EmpName ="Mike"  )), {EmpFirstName: "Mike"});

 In the above case, Update function will work on the filter data mentioned in the records

UpdateIf(EmployeeData, EmpID > 75 , {RecordIDRange: "Greater Than 75"});

Here in the UpdateIf function checking the condition to update the records.


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