Power Automate Trigger flow - on Specific file or Specific File Extension

 We can trigger Power Automate flow to a SharePoint document library file But to trigger the flow to specific file or specific file extension in SharePoint document library.

We can do that by setting the trigger condition by navigating to Settings and Click on adding new trigger condition as shown below.

In the trigger condition we can pass the extension or file name as shown the formulae below.

@equals(triggerOutputs()?['body/{FilenameWithExtension}'], 'FiletobeTriggered.txt')

Similarly we can trigger the extension of the file as shown the below formulae

@endswith(triggerOutputs()?['body/{FilenameWithExtension}'], '.docx')

We can also set trigger for the folder using following formulae,

@contains(triggerOutputs()?['body/{Path}'], '/TriggerFolder/')
