ClipBoard Issue

The Clipboard is a temporary storage area used by all Microsoft’s operating systems including Windows Vista and Windows 7.The information’s such as text, files, graphics, sound, or video can be copied to the Windows Clipboard from one program or location and pasted elsewhere. The Windows Clipboard can only hold one piece of information at a time. Whenever something is copied to the Clipboard, it replaces whatever was there before automatically.In this article i explained how to create a desktop shortcut to clear the Clipboard content manually in Windows 7 or in Windows Vista.This will help you to increase your work speed and system performance when you are working with large files.Working with an empty memory dramatically increases the speed and Performance of  Windows 7 or Vista computer especially with slower machines. And this is also a very useful to clear your clipboard if you copied something that you don’t want to leave on there for someone to see like credit card details etc.
Create a desktop shortcut to clear the Windows clipboard content
  • Right-click on the Windows 7 or Windows Vista desktop or elsewhere, and choose New \ Shortcut from the menu.
  • Then in the shortcut location box, enter the following command:
cmd /c “echo off | clip”
  • At this point you’ll have a desktop icon that will immediately clear the clipboard.
  • Right-click on the icon and choose Properties, and then change the Run drop-down to “Minimized” to make sure you don’t see the command prompt. You can also assign a shortcut key here.
  • If you click the Change Icon button and then browse down to this file, you can find a clipboard icon:%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll
  • Now we’ve got a desktop icon that will clear out the clipboard in Windows 7 or in Vista.


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