Sql Restore Error

I was doing a client implementation and in the process I have to do a SQL restore (48 GB, yes crazy). My customer uploaded the back-up to an ftp site and I tried downloading it from there.

I was getting the following error while restore. I did it with three different copy and everytime I got the same issue.
The media family on device 'My_Content_DB.bak' is incorrectly formed. SQL Server cannot process this media family.
RESTORE HEADERONLY is terminating abnormally. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 3241)



The backup was corrupted. The file was transferred using FTP in text mode rather than binary mode.


1.Downloaded Filezilla.
2. Asked my customer to upload it to ftp with the binary option. (Trasfer > changed the Format from Auto to 'Binary'.)
3. The backup file was transferred again using FTP in binary mode.
4. I did the same thing using Filezilla to download the back up file.
5. Restore operation was successful.

Baam Zoom! Done


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Anonymous said…
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