Copying Page From One Site to Another

Code Snippet that copies a page from one site to another :

// Fetch event data
RadTreeNode sourceNode = NodeEvent.SourceDragNode;
RadTreeNode destNode = NodeEvent.DestDragNode;
// Swap nodes in tree.
if (sourceNode != destNode.Parent)// && sourceNode.Category == "PAGE" && destNode.Category != "PAGE")
SPSite DestSite = new SPSite(destNode.ID);
SPWeb DestWeb = DestSite.OpenWeb();
SPSite SourceSite = new SPSite(sourceNode.Attributes["SPWEB"]);
SPWeb SourceWeb = SourceSite.OpenWeb();
SourceWeb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;
DestWeb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;
SPFile spFileOriginal = SourceWeb.GetFile(sourceNode.ID);
Byte[] binFileOriginal = spFileOriginal.OpenBinary();
string fileNameTarget = "CopyOf" + spFileOriginal.Name;
SPFolder destPagesFolder = DestWeb.GetFolder("Pages");
if (destPagesFolder != null)
if (spFileOriginal.CheckOutStatus == SPFile.SPCheckOutStatus.None)
SPFile spDestFile = destPagesFolder.Files.Add(fileNameTarget, binFileOriginal, true);
SPLimitedWebPartManager wpmOrigin = spFileOriginal.GetLimitedWebPartManager(PersonalizationScope.Shared);
SPLimitedWebPartManager wpmDest = spDestFile.GetLimitedWebPartManager(PersonalizationScope.Shared);
foreach (System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebPart wp in wpmOrigin.WebParts)
wpmDest.AddWebPart(wp, wpmOrigin.GetZoneID(wp), wp.ZoneIndex);
spFileOriginal.CheckIn("checkin - Page copied to the following location " + spDestFile.Url);
spFileOriginal.Approve("approve - Page copied to the following location ");
spFileOriginal.Publish("Published as well");
spDestFile.CheckIn("Copied version of the original page " + spFileOriginal.Url);
spDestFile.Approve("Copied version of the original page " + spFileOriginal.Url);
spDestFile.Publish("Copied version of the original page " + spFileOriginal.Url);
// Expand destination node to see result of swap immediately.
destNode.Expanded = true;
// Clear last active selection.


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