
Showing posts from May, 2023

Scope : is it really that useful?

In Power Automate, the "Scope" action is used to group a set of actions together and define the error handling behavior within that scope. It allows you to specify how errors are handled and what actions should be taken if an error occurs within the defined scope. Let's dive into an example to illustrate the use of the Scope action: A simple Use Case: Expense Approval Workflow Scenario: You want to create an expense approval workflow where employees submit expense reports, and managers review and approve them. In this workflow, you need to handle errors that may occur during the approval process. Start with a trigger: Begin your Power Automate flow with an appropriate trigger, such as when a new item is created in a SharePoint list or when an email is received. Add a Scope action: Drag and drop the "Scope" action from the actions list to create a new scope within your flow. Configure the Scope action: Name the scope, such as "Expense Approval Scope." S
 Today's episode we talked elaborately about NFT. Play the below to access the full episode Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) have gained significant attention in recent years as a revolutionary concept in the world of digital ownership. From artwork and collectibles to virtual real estate and music albums, NFTs have transformed the way we perceive and trade digital assets. This article delves into the intricacies of NFTs, exploring their definition, technology, use cases, challenges, and potential impact on various industries. Understanding NFTs: 1.1 Definition and Characteristics: Learn what exactly NFTs are and how they differ from traditional cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum. Understand the unique characteristics of NFTs, including indivisibility, verifiability, and ownership attribution. 1.2 Token Standards: Explore popular NFT token standards such as ERC-721 and ERC-1155, which define the technical specifications and interoperability of NFTs on blockchain networks. Technolo

Use Case for Power Automate and Power BI integrations

The integration between Power Automate and Power BI opens up several interesting use cases that combine the power of workflow automation with data visualization and analysis capabilities. Here are some examples: Automated data refresh: Power Automate can be configured to trigger the refresh of Power BI datasets. For example, you can create a workflow that runs on a scheduled basis (e.g., daily, weekly) and refreshes the dataset connected to a specific data source. Alternatively, you can set up a workflow that triggers a refresh when certain conditions are met, such as when new data is added to a connected database or when an API endpoint provides an update. Data-driven alerts and notifications: Power Automate can monitor specific data thresholds or conditions in Power BI reports or dashboards and trigger automated alerts or notifications. For instance, you can set up a workflow that checks a sales report daily and sends an email notification to the sales team if the total sales for t

What it takes to build a Power App

 Building apps with Power Apps involves the following steps: Define app requirements: Start by clearly defining the requirements and objectives of your app. Determine the purpose, functionality, and desired user experience of the app. Identify the data sources and integrations that the app needs to connect with. Choose the app type: Power Apps offers different app types to suit various needs. Select the appropriate app type based on your requirements: Canvas app: Provides a flexible, drag-and-drop interface for designing custom apps from scratch. Model-driven app: Offers a data-driven approach using pre-built components and a standardized user interface. Design the user interface: Use the Power Apps Studio to design the app's user interface. Add screens, controls, and elements such as buttons, text inputs, galleries, forms, and navigation controls. Customize the layout, color scheme, and branding to match your desired design. Connect to data sources: Power Apps allows you to co